Wednesday, July 30, 2014

DIY Storage Container

I don't know about you guys, but I've always wanted to re-purpose my Bath and Body Works candles into cute little containers, am I the only one? Hope not because I am going to show you the EASIEST possible way to do this. I've watched so many tutorials and most of them contained some sort of chemical peel to get stickers off, a pot of boiling water, and a bunch of other dangerous technical stuff I never wanted to actually put my time and effort into. I finally ran into a tutorial that looked so incredibly easy so I tried it out myself, and voila! It worked :)

You will need:
Any candle container of your choice (make sure the candle is almost gone so it's easier to de-pot)
A freezer
A butter knife

and that's it!

What you're going to do is put your candle in the freezer and let it sit over night. The next morning take it out and cut into the center of the candle with a butter knife and it should crack since it's frozen. After this, it will pretty much come right out but you may have to work with it a little bit. As far as those pesky stickers go, just run the candle under warm water and scrub it with soap. I can't speak for all candle stickers but if you're going to do it with a B&BW candle, the stickers come right off using that method. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with mine yet but for the time being I have put my favorite nail polishes in it and I'll show you what it looks like:

and there you have it! I hope this was helpful, I absolutely love DIY's and I have been wanting to try this forever and I'm really happy with the way it turned out!


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